Wednesday 4 March 2015

Monday 19 January 2015

This blog has turned out to be the weirdest ones..... after all it is my first one, but now I have opened a second one!

This one, I just rant on; it was originally going to be an online journal so my family in Canada could follow me on my adventures, but it kind of just ended up being a rant page.

I always feel so inspired when I see a great movie or tv show. And it makes me want to write. Honestly, and this is the product generally. Just bllahhh! But, it's fun and I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I've been writing, and every word counts, eh!

Today at work, it was a pretty good day! (For those of you who don't know, I am a ski instructor!) It's definitely one of those weird jobs, it's pretty boring but it can be fun. Sure, you teach pretty much the same thing every day, but it all depends on the kids you have and their attitude towards skiing. I've had a kid whose cried for the first hour of the lesson, but once the tears dried up, loved skiing and didn't want to leave. I'd have kids who cry the whole time, give up and never ever set eyes on a pair of ski's again, and I have those kids who are really excited to go skiing, fall down once and their world has collapsed. But then you get those inbetweeners and they are my favourite. They are the ones who are maybe a little nervous but they are the ones that shine every time. They are cautious and actually listen to what you say because they want to get it right!

See? RANT!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Entertainment Issues

I have a little problem with entertainment. One of the movies I saw in theatres with a couple of friends was "Wolf of Wall Street". I have to admit that this movie came out quite a while ago, but it left me quite horrified I'd spent $15 and three hours of my life to see that movie.
I was profoundly stunned to hear people laugh during that movie. Sure, everyone has different tastes, but I didn't realize humans were so uncomfortable with the ideas it brought up, it triggered the reaction of laughter. I didn't find the movie funny at all. It was shocking.
I didn't like to see the way his addiction to drugs was a higher priority than his family. I am astounded that I heard laughter during the moments he was doing his drugs, if you had seen someone face to face doing those things, you wouldn't be laughing, I can pretty much assure you. Second, was the way women were portrayed, just objects men can win. Not wanting so sound too blunt, but it disgusted me.

Anyway, what really brought this on was the fact that my little brother (who's 15 years now) is finding all these drugs, money and sex movies funny. Who am I to judge? Well, society keeps trying to pledge that we will bring equality to men and women, but promoting movies like that, aren't helping. We are giving 'entertainment' to our younger generations that promote this kind of behaviour, then we wonder why we have so many screwed up kids out there. Why are these movies even made? Those movies that are about delinquents that haven't turned their lives around, the ones who find it fun to break the law and hurt others, why do we turn them into celebrities? I'm confused. Our society gives our so many mixed messages and this is just another one.

We are told at school to sit and listen and to read properly, as there are no confusing questions that can be misunderstood. Well, that's a lie. Because society is doing just that.

Sunday 7 December 2014

One of Society's Many Traps

Not sure where to start today.

What an interesting thing life is. Is it even a thing? Maybe 'event' is better suiting. Life is an event, after all. I do not believe it's over after life, it didn't start when we were born. Life is just time. On this planet. In this body. Living with these people. I believe we are in contact with everyone and everything before we were given this body as a tool to navigate this planet. We know everything, everything we need to know is already inside us, we just have to find it. So many people go to others for help because they believe they 'know' more than we do. In a way, they might, but for our self-help we need, we know everything. We go to others to help ourselves to try to identify it so we can tackle it ourselves. "They can only show you the door, but it is you who has to walk through it."

At this moment in my life, I'm struggling trying to find my way. Find the ultimate answer to the "What to do with my life" question that plagues all people. Some people know what they want to do, and lots of us don't. We are told that after high school, go to university, which lots of us do and get a high paying job. Spending money that we don't have to get a higher paying job. I am one of those people who didn't go to university. Well, actually, I did. After high school, I wasn't planning on going to university, but my older brother told me to at least have a back-up plan. I wanted to travel after high school, I had planned on having a gap year, rediscovering my homeland, Australia, ever since we had moved to Canada. But since I had no money, I decided maybe it was a good idea to have a back-up plan and so I applied to a university on the west coast of Canada, in a tiny town called Nanaimo. I studied Japanese and Liberal Studies and Theatre there for one semester. I loved the studying, the classwork and the professors, but I didn't like where I lived in residence. I had no friends, except for the one I made in the internationals building, but it just wasn't for me. I came back to live at home and taught skiing. Near the end of the ski season, I thought, maybe I should go and teach skiing in Australia, so I applied to a few ski hills and got a job with a ski hill a few hours from Canberra in the Snowy Mountains. So I headed off for a magnificent adventure! I only ended up staying at that ski hill for two and a half weeks. I hated it! But I didn't let that quench my thirst for adventure. I went back to Sydney and decided on what I was going to do with the remainder 5 months I had away. I booked a tour that started in Melbourne and went up through the red centre up to Darwin. Best 18 days of my life. Best $7 I ever spent on that tour was riding a camel around a little yard. Stayed in Darwin for an extra week, and booked another tour in New Zealand. I loved my adventure away! Re-connected with some amazing people, and met fantastic new ones. I came back to Canada with an idea of what I wanted to do. Midwifery it was. I applied to an Australian university and a Canadian one. I taught skiing again in Canada, liked it less than the year before. I got into the australian university, but to save money, said no and waited to get into the canadian one, as midwifery was just beginning here so who would apply to do it? Well, I didn't get in. As I heard afterwards, there were only 20 people admitted into the program. The competitive average was a 4.0, well I had a 3.7, there was all of three universities in all of Canada that offered the midwifery program, all of them only taking all of 20 students. Well, I was dumb-founded. I had no idea I wasn't going to get into the program. So here I was, teaching skiing, not making a whole lot of money, and doomed to spend another year out of school. So here I am heading into my third gap-year.
This year, I applied to two canadian universities. What I've come to realize is, this world we have isn't here to help us achieve our passions. The human society has turned into a money-maker business. And no one cares about anything but money.
I haven't given up on my midwifery hopes. My plan is to get an under-grad, teach english abroad (because I can't do this without an under-grad degree), then get into a midwifery school. I don't have to achieve my goal now, but I am not getting sucked into this loan business. I want to pay for everything with my own money, but it's going to be hard. I will probably have to, in the end, take out a loan, but I want to travel in my life. I want to be able to travel and explore the world with no money limits. I want to travel to Morocco, Greece, Turkey, South Korean, Japan, Thailand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, France, South Africa, back to England and Australia. I want to see the world, full of it's different cultures, languages, religions. I want to see the world, in all her glory, before the end of my life event.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Long days..!!

Yesterday was my birthday! Wahoo! Although it ended up being quite lousy as I was working from 8:30 am to 9 pm. But, on the bright side, everyone wished me a happy birthday which was a very nice and made me feel very ^^ !
Today was much more relaxing, as I worked from 8:30-1:30 and so I had the whole afternoon to relax and get some extra shut eye. Although, tomorrow is going to be a big one too because I'm working from 8:30-9 again! And then I'm working my regular weekend hours of 8:30-5.
What is life if you don't get short on sleep a few times I suppose. Although, I do quite enjoy being bright-eyed and bushy tailed every morning when I go to work. Which isn't happening after those long shifts. I hope they don't expect me to work preschool the day after tomorrow. haha I'll keep you posted on that point.
So even though it means I'm putting money in the bank- I don't like being short of energy. I don't like feeling that I'm not putting all I've got into my work and whatever else I'm directing myself towards. That makes sense right? I don't want to burn myself out for money. That would be absolutely ridiculous.
My parents are laughing at me now because I'm looking 'fierce'.
I haven't done anything for my birthday- I haven't gotten even one present! I've only gotten a card from mum and dad and a card posted from my brother who left New Zealand today and gone back to Singapore. :) That made me happy, but that's it! But that's okay- I'm super busy with work, and maybe we'll postpone it to my next and only day off next week- Tuesday.

Hopefully we'll get to do something awesome.

Sunday 29 December 2013

In Canada, working hard!

I've now been in Calgary for an entire month! Time flies for sure, but it goes a lot faster when you're having fun and that is entirely true for me! I've gone back to work, and have been now for 3 weeks now! It has been quite difficult switching back to routine after 6 months of holiday. I don't like getting up in the mornings, I've re-discovered. But as much as I don't like waking up in the mornings, it is still worth getting to work for. I mean, apart from having to deal with snotty-nosed children, I love my job! haha, but really- My office is absolutely gorgeous. Being outside all day, being oober happy and thinking up games to play with children, and have skis on our feet- it's an absolutely wonderful job. I wouldn't do it if I didn't get paid for it though- too hard and definitely uses too much energy, and sometimes the parents are a little mean and sometimes they say some unbelievable things but I guess that's all in the job description.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

So over the new years, my parents and little brother and I are all going to Canmore for two nights to do some snowshoeing and winter activities (and for me- other than downhill skiing- which I love but I do want a break from wearing ski boots all day!)

Well, I got one more day until I get my 2 days off in Canmore which will be super nice and I'm really looking forward to stay away!

Saturday 23 November 2013

Pauanui and Whangamata

Yesterday, I got woken for a day adventure! It's not usually I wake up with a smile plastered to my face- but I had one on yesterday due to the fact that my mother had ticked my face with my alpaca wool bunny rabbit. Okay, so that fact that I don't usually wake up with a smile on my face is a wee lie, I usually do, but underneath I'm usually grumpy...)
Anyway, the trip was to Pauanui Beach! We stopped half-way in Thames for a cup of tea at a cute garden cafe. It was so cute and adorable.
Puananui Beach
After arriving in Pauanui, we had another lovely picnic, a walk down the beach, a walk back up the beach and then a lie down in the sun.
Getting sunburned on my shoulders. Yay.
We saw a few really good blossoms of the famous pohutekawa tree which was gorgeous. Especially since it is still November, I haven't actually seen pohutekawa blooming in such big clumps!

So it was about 3 in the afternoon when we left Pauanui to visit Whangamata, another little beach town. In Whangamata, we walked along the beach and splashed (well, I did anyway) in the water. Afterwards, as the sun was setting and it was getting rather hot, we stopped at a little fish and chip-ery and got some fish and chips and ate at a picnic table on the seaside. Unfortunately from the picnic table, we couldn't actually see the seaside, but that didn't matter as it was only a few paces away!
Whangamata Beach
We didn't end up getting home until about 8 pm where we rinsed off all our sandy feet and then watched Miss Fisher! A perfect end to a perfect day!